1Home Digest: November '23 - Week 2

Hey folks! It's been a while since we posted our Digest - the Server launch has been taking a lot of our time and energy :) But we must say we missed sharing all the exciting and interesting news and developments from the world of smart homes.

So here we go: 1Home Digest is back! We promise we'll try to keep it as frequent as possible.

Here's the news we've been into last week.

First up: 1Home Server is officially shipping to end users!

Our CEO Satja chipped in with a couple of shipments too!

Despite the shipping delays that we announced in July, we are pleased to say our engineering team went above and beyond to stick to the planned end-of-October delivery dates - and now the Servers are flying out of our R&D offices! The 1Home Shipping team is working on 120% to get all orders out as quickly as possible.

Haven't ordered the Server yet? Now is your best chance!

Get Black Friday Deal

Matter 1.2: New Devices and Upgrades

Image credit: csa

The release of Matter 1.2 marks a significant step forward in the world of IoT. With the introduction of nine new device types and substantial upgrades, Matter 1.2 is establishing itself even further as the smart home standard of the future.

Discover the details.

Europe's Energy Revolution: Will Millions of Households Abandon Electrical Grids for Green Independence?

Image credit: Mischa Frank - Unsplash

An intriguing shift is taking place in Europe, with millions of households contemplating a departure from traditional electrical grids in favor of sustainable energy sources. This article explores the rising trend of self-sufficiency in power generation, discussing the motivations and implications for both homeowners and the energy sector. It offers a captivating glimpse into a future where self-sufficiency in energy generation might become the norm.

Learn more.

All the smart home devices that work (or will in the future) with Matter

Image credit: The Verge

Matter is getting bigger and bigger. Backed by giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Samsung it's changing the way we look at interconnectivity in smart homes. The Verge compiled an extensive list of all the smart home devices, bridges, and hubs that support Matter as of today.

View the list.

Mazda Issues Cease-and-Desist to DIY Smart Home Integration Developer

Image credit: Mazda

In an unexpected twist, Mazda has taken legal action against a developer engaged in a DIY project that aimed to integrate their vehicles into smart home systems.

Get the full story.

And that's a wrap for this week's 1Home Digest.

Join us again next week!